Professional Presentations

Invited Lectures, Workshops, Webinars, Courses, & Interviews (377)
National and International Conferences (77)
Local / Regional Conferences (18)

Invited Lectures, Workshops, Webinars, Courses, & Interviews

NOTE: Some resources linked below are the property of the clients who invited me to present for them, and are not meant for public distribution. Please e-mail me at to obtain the password to get access to them.

  1. Invited guest. "When is Good Teaching Just Good Teaching?" Episode 182. TOPcast podcast. Orlando, FL: University of Cental Florida.
  2. Faculty member. "Approaching-Expert Universal Design for Learning." EDUCAUSE Learning Lab series. 13-27 Mar. 2025.
  3. "Practical Tips for Whole-Campus Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. UDL Institute. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Polytechnic Institute. 13 Mar. 2025.
  4. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Annual Development Day. Fullerton, CA: M. B. Ketchum University. 27 Feb. 2025.
  5. "Three Fabulous Design and Teaching Ideas that Take Work Off Your Plate." Invited webinar. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment annual conference. 14 Feb. 2025.
  6. "Four Knowledge Gaps in UDL 3.0." Invited guest. Host Loui Lord Nelson. Episode 130. UDL in 15 Minutes podcast. 15 Jan. 2025.
  7. "UDL, Access, and AI." With John Kane, Rebecca Mushtare, Liz Norell, and Sherri Restauri. Episode 375. Tea for Teaching podcast. 8 Jan. 2025.
  8. "Three Fabulous Design and Teaching Ideas that Take Work Off Your Plate." Invited keynote. Pathways to Motivation: Pedagogical Strategies for Cultivating Student Success: Faculty Conference on Teaching Excellence. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University. 8 Jan. 2025.
  9. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Professional Learning workshop series. Reykjavík, IS: University of Iceland. 5 Dec. 2024.
  10. "Lowering Barriers with Universal Design for Learning." Invited professional-development recording. Universal Design for Deaf Guidance Professionals Master Class. Dublin, IE: Irish Deaf Society. 29 Nov. 2024 [recording date].
  11. "Beyond Plus One: Scaling Up UDL across ATU." Invited presentation. Sligo, IE: Atlantic Technological University. 29 Nov 2024.
  12. "You Can UDL It! Applying Universal Design for Learning at DkIT." Professional Learning workshop series. Dundalk, IE: Dundalk Institute of Technology. 28 Nov. 2024.
  13. "Is AI the Perfect Companion for UDL?" Part 1 | Part 2. Invited guest. Inclusive Learning Opportunities Through AI (ILOTA) podcast. Episodes 8.1 and 8.2. Hobart, Tasmania: Australian Disability Clerninghouse on Education and Training (ADCET).
  14. "Teaching More By Grading Less: Creating Meaningful Assessments that Align with Learning Objectives." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 29 Oct. 2024.
  15. "UDL Secrets for Community and Technical Colleges." Invited keynote. Austin, TX: National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Annual Virtual Conference. 17 Oct. 2024.
  16. "AI, Assessment, and UDL." Invited guest. Assess Without the Stress: Engagement, Agency, and Inclusion in Higher Ed podcast. Episode 46. Host Caleb Curfman. 30 Sep. 2024.
  17. "Universal Design for Learning in the Workplace." Invited guest. Learning Uncut podcast. Episode 154. Host Michelle Ockers. 24 Sep. 2024.
  18. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning," "Expert-Level Universal Design for Learning," "Universal Design for Learning across Campus," and "UDL Leadership: Scaling Up." Invited keynote and workshops. UDL Symposium. Denver, CO: Arapahoe Community College. 20 Sep. 2024.
  19. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Opening Week. Staunton, VA: Mary Baldwin University. 21 Aug. 2024.
  20. Invited faculty member. "The Role of Center Assessment in Evolving and Growing Your Center's Mission." With Heeyoung Kim. Institute for New Educational Developers (INED) Online. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University and the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. 1 Aug. 2024.
  21. "Universal Design for Learning in Educational Development." Invited online resource. Institute for New Educational Developers (INED) Online. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University and the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. 15 Jul. 2024.
  22. "UDL at Scale with the Brightspace LMS." Invited panelist. "Wake Up, Fusion!" Mainstage interview program. Toronto, ON: D2L Fusion Annual Conference. 10 Jul. 2024.
  23. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Profesional development series. Adelaide, Australia: Technical and Further Education (TAFE) South Australia. 18 Jun. 2024.
  24. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Expert-Level Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and workshop. Professional-development series. Perth, Australia: North Metro Technical and Further Education (TAFE). 17 Jun. 2024.
  25. "How to Lower Training & Development Barriers with Universal Design for Learning" and "Inclusivity and Belonging: Organisational Perspectives." Invited keynote and panel discussion. AITD Annual Conference. Adelaide, Australia: Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD). 13 Jun. 2024.
  26. "Universal Design for Learning at Scale." Invited keynote. ADECT UDL Symposium. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET). 12 Jun. 2024.
  27. "UDL and Equitable Educational Technology." The Art and Science of Healthy Pedagogy series. Riverside, CA: University of California, Riverside. 29 May 2024.
  28. "Universal Design for Learning across Campus." Invited workshop. Summer Institute. Center for Teaching and Learning: Memphis, TN: Southwestern Tennessee Community College. 14 May 2024.
  29. "UDL at Scale." Invited interview. Intentional Teaching podcast. Episode 36. Host Derek Bruff. 23 Apr. 2024.
  30. "What Universal Design for Learning Looks Like." Invited webinar. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET). 17 Apr. 2024.
  31. "How to Make Brave Gen-Ed Instructors." Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment (GEPA). Providence, RI: American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). 12 Apr. 2024.
  32. "What Is Effective Pedagogy in 2024?" Invited panelist. OneHE sponsored session. Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment (GEPA). Providence, RI: American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). 12 Apr. 2024.
  33. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop. Professional Development series. Wisconsin School of Business. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 4 Apr. 2024.
  34. Faculty member. "Approaching-Expert Universal Design for Learning." EDUCAUSE Learning Lab series. 5-21 Mar. 2024.
  35. "Reach Your Neurodivergent Learners with UDL" and "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshops. St. Joseph, MN: College of St. Benedict and St. John's University. 19 Mar. 2024.
    • Neurodiversity Video [1:02:15]
    • Reach/Teach Video [1:27:30]
  36. "Copyright Basics for Online Design and Teaching." Invited keynote. Online Higher Education Summit. Washington, DC: SAGE Publishing. 19 Feb. 2024.
  37. "Reaching Neurodivergent Learners with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: University of Business and Technology. 15 Feb. 2024.
  38. "What is UDL-uary?" Invited webinar. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment annual conference. 14 Feb. 2024.
  39. Instructor. "Universal Design for Learning Champions." Invited seminar. Kearney, NE: University of Nebraska-Kearney. 5 Feb. - 6 May 2024.
  40. Instructor. "Universal Design for Learning Champions." Invited seminar. Fond du Lac, WI: Moraine Park Technical College. 22 Jan. - 29 Apr. 2024.
  41. Faculty member. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education." EDUCAUSE Learning Lab series. 8-24 Jan. 2024.
  42. Q&A on Universal Design for Learning Ask-the-Author session. Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. Faculty Learning Community series. Fairfield, CT: Sacred Heart University. 5 Dec. 2023.
  43. "Lower Barriers across Campus with Universal Design for Learning" and "UDL Champions Showcase." Invited workshop and seminar. Universal Design series. Buffalo, NY: D'Youville University. 8 Nov. 2023.
  44. "Universal Design for Learning in and Beyond the LMS." Invited keynote. ICON Day. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa. 20 Oct. 2023.
  45. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning," "Universal Design for Learning across Campus," "Secrets of Universal Design for Learning at Scale," and "Expert-Level Universal Design for Learning." Invited speech and full-day workshops. UDL Day event. Kearney, NE: University of Nebraska at Kearney. 18 Oct. 2023.
  46. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop. CETL Speaker Series. Tyler, TX: University of Texas at Tyler. 14 Sep. 2023.
  47. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "How to Talk to Your Colleagues about UDL." Invited keynote and workshop. UDL in Action: The What, the Why, and the How. Inaugural UDL Symposium. Hobart, Tasmania: Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET). 7 Sep. 2023.
  48. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited session. Fall Teaching Workshop. Educational Policy Studies Department. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 5 Sep. 2023.
  49. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "UDL is Step Zero toward Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging." Invited keynote and workshop. Fall Faculty Workshop. Storm Lake, IA: Buena Vista University. 22 Aug. 2023.
  50. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum of Regional Comprehensive Universities." Invited sessions. Fall Faculty Workshop. Cedar Falls, IA: University of Northern Iowa. 17 Aug. 2023.
  51. Advisory board. Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) conference. Madison, WI: University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA). 25-27 Jul. 2023.
  52. "Lowering Assessment Barriers with UDL." Invited guest. Assess Without the Stress: Engagement, Agency, and Inclusion in Higher Ed podcast. Episode 1.13. Host Caleb Curfman. 26 Jun. 2023.
  53. "Universal Design for Learning at Scale: Creating a Culture of Accessibility." Invited presentation. National Higher Education Teaching Conference. New York, NY: Association of College and University Educators (ACUE). 22 Jun. 2023.
  54. "Practical Strategies for Universal Design for Learning in Ukraine." Invited webinar. With Mary Ann Tobin and Matt Dingo. Virtual Service Pilot (VSP) Program UKR1041: Mizhhir'ya Lyceum. Kiev, Ukraine: United States Peace Corps. 15 Jun. 2023.
  55. "Universal Design for Learning Champions." Invited seminar. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho. 13 Jun. - 18 Jul. 2023.
  56. "How to Talk to Your Colleagues about Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. UDL Speaker Series. Instructional and Leadership Development Centre. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Polytechnic University. 1 Jun. 2023.
  57. "How to Talk to Faculty Colleagues about Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Instructional Design Community Group Conclave 26. Facilitator Melody Buckner. Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE. 26 May 2023.
  58. "Secrets of Universal Design for Learning for Technical College Faculty." Invited keynote. Faculty Professional Development Day. Rice Lake, WI: Northwood Technical College. 25 May 2023.
  59. "Scaling Up with Universal Design for Learning . . . and How to Get Colleagues to Join You." Invited workshop. TEACHx conference. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University. 17 May 2023.
  60. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited speech and workshop. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho. 10 May 2023.
    • Alcançar Todos e Ensinar a Todos com o Desenho Universal para a Aprendizagem Video [1:47:35]
    • Seminário Desenho Universal para a Aprendizagem Video [1:12:00]
    • Participant ratings [PDF]
  61. "Using Universal Design for Learning to Lower Access Barriers without Lowering Rigor and Standards" and "Implementing UDL in and beyond the Classroom." Invited webinars. Tübingen, Germany: Hochschuldidaktikzentrum Universitäten Baden-Württemburg. 5 & 19 May 2023.
  62. "Universal Design for Learning across Campus." Invited webinar. Student Services In-Service Day. Fond du Lac, WI: Moraine Park Technical College. 5 May 2023.
  63. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited presentation. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota. 24 Apr. 2023.
  64. "Secrets of Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. UDL Festival. Glassboro, NJ: Rowan University. 21 Apr. 2023.
  65. "How to Tell Whether UDL is Working." Invited webinar. Boston, MA: 3Play Media. 6 Apr. 2023.
  66. Invited guest. Episode 72: Dr. Tom Tobin - Alternative Academic Careers. The Dr. Luke Hobson podcast, host Luke Hobson. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 29 Mar. 2023.
  67. "Move from 'I Caught You' to 'I Taught You': Creating a Culture of Academic Integrity." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 28 Mar. 2023.
  68. Faculty member. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education." EDUCAUSE Learning Lab series. 6-29 Mar. 2023.
  69. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Universal Design series. Buffalo, NY: D'Youville University. 3 Mar. 2023.
  70. "Universal Design for Learning Champions." Invited seminar. Buffalo, NY: D'Youville University. 27 Feb. - 22 May 2023.
  71. "How to Increase Student Course Rating Participation: 4 Strategies that Work." Invited presentation. Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment (TTLE) conference. Access Alliance for Education. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh. 14 Feb. 2023.
  72. "Innovation at Scale: Adopting Universal Design for Learning across Campus." AAC&U Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment: The Innovation Imperative: Empowering, Celebrating, and Rewarding Campus Change Agents. New Orleans, LA: American Association of Colleges and Universities. 10 Feb. 2023.
  73. "Simplifying Copyright: Fair Use & Ownership in the Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 2 Feb. 2023.
  74. "Universal Design for Learning Champions." Invited seminar. Fond du Lac, WI: Moraine Park Technical College. 23 Jan. - 12 Jun. 2023.
  75. "Fantastic Universal Design for Learning Practices . . . and How to Get Colleagues to Join You." Invited keynote. Fresh Start series. Institute for Teaching and Learning. Youngstown, OH: Youngstown State University. 13 Jan. 2023.
  76. Invited guest (segment starts at 19:06). "Community Wisdom: Students, Hybridity, and More!" Episode 127. The Teaching Online Podcast [TOPCast]. 5 Dec. 2022.
  77. Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education Ask-the-author webinar session. Teaching Academy Book Club. Pullman, WA: Washington State University. 28 Nov. 2022.
  78. "How to Make the Most of Academic Conferences." Invited interview with Christina Gessler. The Academic Life podcast. 8 Nov. 2022.
  79. "How to Level Up Chiropractic Education with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. St Louis, MO: World Federation of Chiropractic Global Education Conference. 5 Nov. 2022.
  80. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Humanizing the Distance: PimaOnline Educators Conference. Tuscon, AZ: Pima Community College. 3 Nov. 2022.
  81. "Getting Beyond 10%: Ask Me Anything about Adopting UDL at Scale." UDLHE Digicon 2022: A UDL Makerspace. Online conference. Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN). 20 Oct. 2022.
  82. "Bridging the Gap for SDCCD Online Learners with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Online Summit. San Diego, CA: San Diego Community College District. 14 Oct. 2022.
  83. "UDL Leadership: Scaling Up," "Universal Design for Learning across Campus," "Secrets of Universal Design for Learning for Technical College Faculty," and "Expert-Level Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop series. Cleveland, WI: Lakeshore Technical College. 7 Sep. 2022.
  84. "How to Reach (Almost) All Learners with Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Teach Online Canada webinar series. Thunder Bay, ON: Contact North. 25 Aug. 2022.
  85. "Belonging in and beyond the Classroom with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Teaching and Learning Summer Conference. Toronto, ON: Seneca College. 25 Aug. 2022.
  86. Faculty member. Digital Learning Leaders Institute. EDUCAUSE Institute. 22 Aug. - 3 Nov. 2022.
  87. "Three Inclusive Teaching Secrets that Lower Barriers and Save You Work." Invited keynote. Brainerd, MN: College in the Schools conference. 18 Aug. 2022.
  88. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Faculty in-service day. Staples, MN: Central Lakes College. 17 Aug. 2022.
  89. "Lowering Student Barriers across Campus." Invited keynote. Faculty and Staff Fall Conference. Minneapolis, MN: Dunwoody College of Technology. 16 Aug. 2022.
  90. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Uncover the Hidden Curriculum for Health Career Students." Invited keynote and workshop. Faculty Convocation Day. Dallas, TX: Parker University. 12 Aug. 2022.
  91. Conference director and emcee. Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 3-5 Aug. 2022.
  92. Invited guest. "Universal Design for Learning: Watch This Beauty Unfold." Interview with Steven Robinow. Episode 17: Teaching for Student Success podcast. 26 Jul. 2022.
  93. Invited guest. Anniversary epsiode with Sher Downing. EdTech Speaks podcast. 18 Jul. 2022.
  94. "Lowering Barriers for Adult Learners--and Us Too." Invited keynote. Summer Academy of Adult Learning and Teaching (SAALT) conference. Orono, ME: University of Maine System. 18 Jul. 2022.
  95. Co-instructor. EDHE 622: Neurodiversity in Education and the Workforce. Mind, Brain, and Learning graduate certificate program. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University. 22 Jun. - 31 Aug. 2022.
  96. "Regular and Substantive Interaction: Strategies and Resources to Support Student Success." Invited webinar. With Kristen Betts and Michelle Miller. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University. 16 Jun. 2022.
  97. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning to Support Your Campus Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Efforts." Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 14 Jun. 2022.
  98. "Universal Design for Learning is the Key to Campus Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion" and "Implementing Universal Design for Learning in and beyond the Classroom." Invited keynote and workshop. University for All Annual Symposium. Dublin, IE: University College Dublin. 26 May 2022.
  99. Ask-the-Author Session: Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. Faculty book club. Stephenville, Newfoundland: College of the North Atlantic. 3 May 2022.
  100. "Access Is the Secret to Student Success" and "Lowering Student Barriers across Campus." Invited workshops. Carrollton, GA: University of West Georgia. 26 Apr. 2022.
  101. "31 Days of Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Boston, MA: 3Play Media. 21 Apr. 2022.
  102. "How to Increase Online Student Course Evaluation Rates: 4 Strategies That Work." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 19 Apr. 2022.
  103. "Universal Design for Learning: Step Zero for Access & Equity." Invited keynote. Extended Learning Institute (XLi). Montana University System Office of the Commisioner of Higher Education (OCHE). Teaching the Whole Student by Designing for Engagement conference. Butte, MT: Montana Technological University. 8 Apr 2022.
  104. "Reach Everyone & Teach Everyone with UDL: Ask the Author." Invited session. Faculty Reading Circle program. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University. 7 Apr. 2022.
  105. "No New Normal: New Problems, New Patterns, New Approaches, New Actions, New Results." Invited keynote. Enhancing Online, Onsite, and Hybrid Teaching and Learning. Lilly Online Conference. Durham, NC: ITLC Lilly Conferences. 6 Apr. 2022.
  106. "UDL Collaboration and Project Development." Invited webinar workshop. Mainstreaming Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Practice on Campus project. Limerick, IE: University of Limerick. 1 Apr. 2022.
  107. "The Secret 'Step Zero' to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," "Universal Design for Learning across Campus," and open-format leadership consultation. Invited half-day program. Faculty and Staff Professional Development Day. Danvers, MA: North Shore Community College. 25 Mar. 2022.
  108. Faculty member. Digital Learning Leaders Institute. EDUCAUSE Institute. 21 Mar. - 3 Jun. 2022.
  109. Faculty member. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education." EDUCAUSE Learning Lab series. 1-24 Mar. 2022.
  110. "Why UDL is Step Zero toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." Invited keynote. Teaching & Learning Virtual Summit. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University. 23 Mar. 2022.
  111. "UDL and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice (EDIJ)." Invited webinar workshop. Mainstreaming Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Practice on Campus project. Limerick, IE: University of Limerick. 25 Feb. 2022.
  112. "Evaluating Online Teaching in the Zoom-U Era." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 24 Feb. 2022.
  113. "Teaching for Equity and Inclusion." Invited webinar workshop. Perkins Grant Program Professional Development Series. Pendleton, SC: Tri-County Technical College. 14 Feb. 2022.
  114. "Designing and Running Micro-Credential Programs." Invited webinar. Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment conference. Access Alliance for Education. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh. 14 Feb. 2022.
  115. "UDL for Further Education and Training External Authenticators: Part 2." Invited webinar. Naas, IE: Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI). 14 Feb. 2022.
  116. Invited panelist. "Let's Talk About Privilege." Black History Month Celebration. Chandler, AZ: University of Arizona Global Campus. 9 Feb. 2022.
  117. "UDL Secrets for Creating Expert Learners." Invited webinar. Professional Development series. Vancouver, BC: Langara College. 4 Feb. 2022.
  118. "UDL Project Initiation." Invited webinar workshop. Mainstreaming Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Practice on Campus project. Limerick, IE: University of Limerick. 21 Jan. 2022.
  119. "Copyright Ninja Skills." Invited webinar. Staff Professional Development series. Boston, MA: The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST). 19 Jan. 2022.
  120. "UDL for Further Education and Training External Authenticators. Part 1: Spotting UDL in Action." Invited webinar. Naas, IE: Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI). 17 Jan. 2022.
  121. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Kalispell, MT: Flathead Valley Community College. 12 Jan 2022.
  122. "Why UDL is Step Zero toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" and "Applying UDL to One Interaction." Invited keynote and workshop. President's Teaching Academy: Teaching Day. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University. 6 Jan. 2022.
  123. "UDL for Further Education and Training Leaders." Invited webinar. Naas, IE: Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI). 13 Dec. 2021.
  124. "UDL in Further Education and Training Guidance Provision." Invited webinar. Dublin, IE: National Centre for Guidance in Education (NGCE). 30 Nov. 2021.
  125. "Three Teaching Strategies for the Post-Pandemic Classroom." Invited keynote. Advancing Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). 5 Nov. 2021.
  126. "Book Chat: Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone and UDL for Further Education and Training Practitioners." Invited webinar. Annual Convention. Chicago, IL: Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT). 4 Nov. 2021.
  127. "Three Design Hacks for Kentucky's Full-Steam-Ahead Future." Invited keynote. Kentucky Convergence conference. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky. 21 Oct. 2021.
  128. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning for Health Educators." Invited webinar. UDL speaker series. Fort Worth, TX: University of North Texas Health Science Center. 19 Oct. 2021.
  129. "How to Engage Online Learners across the Entire Health Disciplines Program." Invited webinar. Faculty-Development Series. Centre for Nursing & Health Studies. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University. 14 Oct. 2021.
  130. Frye, Brian L. "Thomas J. Tobin on Copyright & Higher Education Quality." Invited interview. Ipse Dixit podcast episode 728. 13 Oct. 2021.
  131. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Virtual convocation. Klamath Falls, OR: Oregon Institute of Technology. 21 Sep. 2021.
  132. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Faculty-Development Series. Centre for Nursing & Health Studies. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University. 16 Sep. 2021.
  133. Faculty member. Learning Technology Leaders Institute. EDUCAUSE Institute. 30 Aug. - 12 Nov. 2021.
  134. "Universal Design for Learning Champions Seminar." Invited workshop series. Perkins Capacity Building for Equity & Inclusion Grant. Fond du Lac, WI: Moraine Park Technical College. 20 Aug. 2021 - 4 Feb. 2022.
  135. "Secrets of Universal Design for Learning for Community and Technical Colleges" and "Applying UDL to One Interaction." Invited webinars. Perkins Grant Program Professional Development Series. Pendleton, SC: Tri-County Technical College. 17 Aug. 2021.
  136. "UDL Champions." Invited seminar. Fond du Lac, WI: Moraine Park Technical College. 15 Aug. 2022 - 30 Jan. 2023.
  137. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop. Pre-College Conference. Holland, MI: Hope College. 10 Aug. 2021.
  138. Conference director and emcee. Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2-5 Aug. 2021.
  139. Invited panelist. "Center for Advancing Learning: Using Data to Personalize and Support Students and Student Outcomes." Leadership Track. BbWorld 2021 conference. Washington, DC: Blackboard, Inc. 20 Jul. 2021.
  140. "Improving FET Learner Experiences Together: A Town Hall Event on the Release of UDL for FET Practitioners." Invited webinar. Dublin, IE: AHEAD Ireland. 14 Jul. 2021.
  141. "How to Evaluate Technology-Mediated Teaching." Invited webinar. Virtual Summer Conference. Raleigh, NC: Lecture Breakers. 10 Jun. 2021.
  142. "Secrets of Universal Design for Learning for Community and Technical Colleges." Invited keynote. Course Design Institute. Rosemount, MN: Inver Hills Community College & Dakota County Technical College. 8 Jun 2021.
  143. "Three Teaching Secrets for the Post-Pandemic Classroom" and "Universal Design for Learning across Campus." Invited keynote and workshop. Celebration of Teaching. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri. 19 May 2021.
  144. "Why Accessibility is Step Zero toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." Invited keynote. Accessibility conference. Springfield, IL: Illinois Community College Consortium (ILCCO). 7 May 2021.
  145. "The Six Signs of Quality Online Teaching." Invited keynote. Ecampus Faculty Forum. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. 5 May 2021.
  146. "Multi-Format Teaching Hacks." Invited webinar. With Sherri Restauri. EduALL virtual summit. New York, NY: Verbit. 22 Apr. 2021.
  147. "Universal Design for Learning in Education and Industry [25:29]." Allied podcast. Boston, MA: 3Play Media. 16 Apr. 2021.
  148. "Ask Tom Anything about UDL." Invited consultation. Universal Design for Learning Community of Practice. Palatine, IL: Harper College. 16 Apr. 2021.
  149. "Expert-Level Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop. Faculty-Development series. Des Plaines, IL: Oakton Community College. 15 Apr. 2021.
    • Testimonial Letter [PDF], Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
  150. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning to Benefit All Learners." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 15 Apr. 2021.
  151. "Expert UDL for UDL Experts." UDL-IRN International Summit. Kansas City, KS: Universal Design for Learning Implementation & Research Network. 13 Apr. 2021.
  152. "UDL: Connecting FET Learners, Instructors, and the World." Invited keynote with Ann Heelan. Reconnection: Placing Inclusion at the Heart of Online Learning and Support. Annual international AHEAD conference. Dublin, IE: Association for Higher Ed Access & Disability (AHEAD). 8 Apr. 2021.
  153. "3 Inclusive Ways to Reach Students by Design--without Added Work!." Invited webinar. Fresno, CA: Fresno Pacific University. 25 Mar. 2021.
  154. "The Dark Arts Explained: How to Get Funding, People, and Time to Implement UDL." Invited webinar. Cambridge, MA: 3Play Media. 25 Mar. 2021.
  155. Associate faculty member. Learning Technology Leaders Institute. EDUCAUSE Institute. 23 Mar - 4 Jun 2021.
  156. "Preparing Now for Alt-Ac Career Possibilities." Invited webinar. With Kevin Kelly. Graduate Professional Seminar series. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. 23 Mar. 2021.
  157. "Assessment Hacks Revealed: Lower Barriers while Preserving Rigor." Invited keynote. Celebrating Teaching Day. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology. 9 Mar. 2021.
  158. "Lowering Barriers while Preserving Rigor: Academic Integrity Hacks." Invited workshop. Back-to-the-Classroom Professional Development series. Oneonta, NY: Hartwick College. 5 Mar. 2021.
  159. "Universal Design for Learning in Conference and Event Planning." Invited workshop. Inclusion in Education and Society series. School of Education. Dublin, IE: Trinity College Dublin. 3 Mar. 2021.
  160. "Universal Design for Learning across Campus." Invited workshop. Faculty-Development series. Des Plaines, IL: Oakton Community College. 24 Feb. 2021.
    • Video [55:28]
    • Testimonial Letter [PDF], Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs/Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
  161. "Black Swan Design: How to Make Your Courses Flexible with Limited Resources." Invited webinar. 12th Annual Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment conference. Tahlequah, OK: Northeastern State University. 9 Feb. 2021.
  162. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Professional Development series. Vancouver, BC: Langara College. 5 Feb. 2021.
  163. "Framing UDL within Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Efforts." Guiding This Moment in Higher Education. UDLHE Network DigiCon virtual conference. 4 Feb. 2021.
  164. "I Teach Teachers How to Teach." The Post-Pandemic Landscape in Higher Education Technology." Invited interview with Tyler Jacobson. LabChats podcast series. Idaho Falls, ID: LabStats. 1 Feb. 2021.
  165. "Universal Design for Learning in Student Services and Academic Affairs." Invited webinar. Perkins Equity & Inclusion Grant series. Fond du Lac, WI: Moraine Park Technical College. 26 Jan. 2021.
  166. Invited panelist. Essential Teaching Tips for 2021 ProfChats Twitter chat. Toronto, ON: TopHat Monocle Corporation. 21 Jan. 2021.
  167. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Science of Learning conference. Sugar Grove, IL: Waubonsee Community College. 13 Jan. 2021.
  168. "Bridging the Distance: 3 Keys for Remote Teaching Success." Invited keynote. Learning Symposium 2021. Fort Worth, TX: Tarrant County College District. 13 Jan. 2021.
  169. "3 Ways to Support Students during COVID-19 Remote Instruction" and "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshops. Faculty-Development series. Des Plaines, IL: Oakton Community College. 11 Jan. 2021.
  170. "Beyond Flexible and Supportive: How to Lower Barriers, Fatigue, and Overwork--Fast!" Invited keynote. Back-to-the-Classroom Professional Development series. Oneonta, NY: Hartwick College. 8 Jan. 2021.
  171. "Beyond Flexible and Supportive: How to Lower Barriers, Fatigue, and Overwork--Fast!" Invited keynote. Professional Development Days. Janesville, WI: Blackhawk Technical College. 6 Jan. 2021.
  172. "Working Remotely Before, During, and After the Pandemic." Interview with Monica and Peter Rysavy. Tea and Tech podcast. Episode 13. Wilmington, DE: Goldey-Beacom College. 27 Dec. 2020.
  173. "The AHEAD and SOLAS UDL for FET Project." Invited panel. With Ann Heelan and Roisin Doherty. 15th Annual Pathways conference: Advancing Inclusion in 2020 and Beyond. Launceston, Tasmania: Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability (ATEND). 4 Dec. 2020.
  174. "Address Disruption and Lower Barriers with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. 35th annual DET/CHE conference. Berkeley, CA: Directors of Educational Technology / California Higher Education. 3 Dec. 2020.
  175. "3 Ways to Be Ready for Toggle Teaching that Pay Your Students (and You) Back." Invited webinar. Professional Development series. Jackson, MS: Jackson State University. 1 Dec. 2020.
  176. "How to Talk with Colleagues about Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. 15th Annual Pathways conference: Advancing Inclusion in 2020 and Beyond. Launceston, Tasmania: Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability (ATEND). 30 Nov. 2020.
  177. "How to Increase Online Student Course Evaluation Rates: 4 Strategies That Work." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 17 Nov. 2020.
  178. "OLC Live: The Accelerate Experience: Incorporating UDL into Online Teaching." Invited panel discussion. With Suzanne Ehrlich and Michelle Bartle. OLC Live! Conversations series. Accelerate conference. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC). 16 Nov. 2020.
  179. "Expanding Learner Choices across Nursing Education." Invited workshop. Faculty Diversity series. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center. 13 Nov. 2020.
  180. "3 Ways to Support Students during COVID-19 Remote Instruction." Invited keynote. 3rd annual Sara Varnum Institute. Salem, OR: Chemeketa Community College. 13 Nov. 2020.
  181. "How to Observe & Evaluate Faculty in the Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 12 Nov. 2020.
  182. "Trends in Online Learning: Kicking Off National Distance Learning Week." Invited guest. Friday 5 Live podcast, 1(16). Meg Foster, host. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 6 Nov. 2020.
  183. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Faculty Diversity series. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska Medical Center. 30 Oct. 2020.
  184. "Using Technology in Higher Ed" [37:41]. Episode 9. Ed Tech Speaks podcast. Phoenix, AZ: Downing Edtech Consulting. 30 Oct. 2020.
  185. "Lower Anxiety, Barriers, and Inequity for Remote Learners--Fast!" Invited keynote. Kentucky Optimizing Online Learning (KOOL) Conference. Versailles, KY: Kentucky Community & Technical College System. 30 Oct. 2020.
  186. "3 Ways to Support Students during COVID-19 Remote Instruction." Invited keynote. Virtual Faculty Roundtable series. Wilmington, DE: Goldey-Beacom College. 23 Oct. 2020.
  187. "Expanding Learner Choices with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop. St. Joseph, MN: College of St. Benedict / St. John's University. 13 Oct. 2020.
  188. "Teaching More By Grading Less: Creating Meaningful Assessments that Align with Learning Objectives." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 8 Oct. 2020.
  189. "Universal Design for Learning across Campus." Invited workshop. St. Joseph, MN: College of St. Benedict / St. John's University. 8 Oct. 2020.
  190. "Now More than Ever: Caring, Student-Centered, and Adaptive Pedagogies." Invited webinar. With Victoria Mondelli, Joshua Eyler, & Natasha Haugnes. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 22 Sep. 2020.
  191. "No Budget, No Time, No People—No Problem: Meaningful UDL on a Shoestring." Invited lecture. ACCESS conference. Boston, MA: 3Play Media. 15 Sep. 2020.
  192. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Expanding Learner Choices." Invited keynote and workshop. Adjunct Faculty Teaching & Learning Conference. Palatine, IL: Harper College. 10 Sep. 2020.
  193. "Ask Tom Anything about UDL." Invited open-format feedback session. Mellon Foundation Faculty-Development Workshop Series. Appleton, WI: Lawrence University. 1 Sep. 2020.
  194. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Expanding Learner Choices with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and breakout session. Orientation Days series. Des Plaines, IL: Oakton Community College. 17 Aug. 2020.
  195. "Five Fast Universal Design for Learning Remote-Teaching Strategies." Invited keynote. Professional Development Day. Russellville, AR: Arkansas Tech University. 12 Aug. 2020.
  196. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Expanding Access for Everyone across Campus." Invited keynote and workshop. Accessibility Policy Learning Summit. Dallas, TX: Texas Wesleyan University. 11 Aug. 2020.
  197. Conference director and emcee. 36th Annual Distance Teaching & Learning conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 3-7 Aug. 2020.
  198. "Three Ways to Support Students during COVID-19 Remote Instruction." Invited webinar. Nashville, TN: Tennessee State University. 31 Jul. 2020.
  199. "Uncover the Secrets about Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and workshop. Resources for the Electronic Classroom: A Faculty-Student Partnership (RECAP) Conference. Information Services and Technology Division. West Chester, PA: West Chester University. 29 Jul. 2020.
  200. "FET Summer School: How Universal Design for Learning Can Save You Time and Energy." Invited webinar series. Dublin, IE: Association for Higher Education Access & Disability (AHEAD) Ireland. 13, 16, 20, & 23 Jul. 2020.
  201. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Nashville, TN: Tennessee State University. 10 Jul. 2020.
  202. "Three Ways to Support Students during COVID-19 Remote Instruction." Invited webinar workshop. Mellon Foundation "Becoming Community" Certificate Series. Collegeville, MN: College of Saint Benedict & Saint John's University. 30 Jun. 2020.
  203. "Three Secrets of Evaluating Remote Teaching during COVID-19." Invited keynote. EvaluWise User Conference. Joliet, IL: Vista Learning. 23 Jun. 2020.
  204. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" Invited keynote. Mellon Foundation Faculty-Development Workshop Series. Appleton, WI: Lawrence University. 17 Jun. 2020.
  205. "UDL Design Hacks for Online Courses & Programs." Invited Featured Workshop. Building Bridges in Digital, Blended, and Online Learning. Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate online conference. 15 Jun. 2020.
  206. "3 Ways to Support Students during COVID-19 Remote Instruction." Invited webinar. Nashville, TN: Tennessee State University. 12 Jun. 2020.
  207. "An Open Conversation with the Authors of Going Alt-Ac." With Katie Linder and Kevin Kelly. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. 3 Jun. 2020.
  208. "Your Leaders are Listening: Accessibility in the Time of COVID-19." Invited presentation. ACCESS at Home online conference. Boston, MA: 3Play Media. 29 May 2020.
  209. "Engage, Prepare, and Empower Your Students through Universal Design for Learning." Invited pre-conference workshop. Teaching Professor online conference. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 29 May 2020.
  210. "Accessibility in Powerpoint for Webinar Presenters." Invited ask-the-expert conversation. EdTalks brown-bag series. Internal employee professional development. Louisville, CO: EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 13 May 2020.
  211. "Three Ways to Support Students during COVID-19." Invited webinar series. Raliegh, NC: North Carolina State University. 21-22 Apr. 2020.
  212. Honeycutt, Barbi. "How to Integrate Universal Design for Learning Principles in Your Online Courses: Part 2." Interview. Lecture Breakers blog. 24 Mar. 2020.
  213. "The Academic Speaking & Consulting Guide: Messaging, Marketing, & Honoring Your Expertise." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 9 Mar. 2020.
  214. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote, ask-the-author Q&A, leadership luncheon, faculty workshop, and staff workshop. Teaching Transformation & Development Academy. Grand Forks, ND: University of North Dakota. 5 Mar. 2020.
  215. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University. 28 Feb. 2020.
  216. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education." Online course. EDUCAUSE Online Learning Initative. 6, 13, & 20 Feb. 2020.
  217. "How to Present Information in Higher Education." Invited presentation. Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment virtual conference. Tahlequah, OK: Northeastern State University. 4 Feb. 2020.
  218. "Online Learning That Sticks: Strategies to Shift to Student-Centered Learning." Online Seminar series. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 12 Nov. 2019.
  219. "Go Beyond Usability with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote. World Usability Day faculty-development program. York, PA: York College of Pennsylvania. 11 Nov. 2019.
  220. "How to Observe and Evaluate Faculty in the Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 24 Oct. 2019.
  221. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning" and "Expand Learner Choices." Invited keynote and workshop. Accessibility Summit. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Broward College. 18 Oct. 2019.
  222. "How to Reach Every Learner: The Science of Student Success." Invited session. Chicago, IL: EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. 16 Oct. 2019.
  223. "Secret Boss Training: How to Observe and Evaluate Teaching." Invited session. St. Louis, MO: Magna Leadership in Higher Education conference. 4 Oct. 2019.
  224. "How To Increase Online Student Course Evaluation Rates: 4 Strategies That Work." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 26 Sep. 2019.
  225. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote, faculty workshop, student workshop, and leadership consultation. Disability Awareness Week series. Salt Lake City, UT: Salt Lake Community College. 20 Sep. 2019.
  226. "Grade Less, Teach Less, Learn More." Online Seminar series. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 17 Sep. 2019.
  227. "Universal Design for Learning is for Our Connected Learners." Invited keynote. eLearning Academy. Spokane, WA: Community Colleges of Spokane. 10 Sep. 2019.
  228. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote, workshop series, and leadership consultation. Center for Teaching and Learning Professional Development Series. Dallas, TX: Parker University. 16 Aug. 2019.
  229. Conference director. 35th Annual Distance Teaching and Learning (DT&L) Conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 6-8 Aug 2019.
  230. "Ethical and Legal Concepts of Quality in Online Courses." Online course. Learning Design, Development, & Innovation (LDDI). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 9-29 Jul 2019.
  231. "How to Talk to Your Colleagues about UDL." Invited keynote. Summer UDL Academy. Syracuse, NY: Onondaga Community College. 21 Jun 2019.
  232. "Going Way beyond Accessibility with Universal Design for Learning" and "Expand Learner Choices with Systematic UDL Implementation." Invited keynote and workshop. Council for Academic Technology and Innovative Education (CATIE) Chancellor's Symposium. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University System. 11 Jun. 2019.
  233. "Around the Clock, Around the Block, Mobile and Global, Enhanced: Universal Design for Learning" and "Universal Design for Learning for Enrollment Services." Invited keynote and workshop. Big XII Teaching & Learning Conference. Austin, TX: University of Texas-Austin. 13 Jun. 2019.
  234. Author discussion and Q&A. Interview with James Andrews. Madison, WI: Association for Distance Education and Independent Living (ADEIL) Book Study Group for Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. 12 Jun. 2019.
  235. "Mobile, Global, and Any Time: Universal Design for Learning" and "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and workshop. Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning (CTAL) Summer Institute on Teaching. Newark, DE: University of Delaware. 5 Jun. 2019.
  236. "Differences and Similarities in Hungarian and U.S. Higher Education." Invited panelist. Branding for Success: How to Become a Top-15 Destination for U.S. Students. Washington, DC: Tempus Public Foundation.
  237. "Starting Your UDL Project." Invited workshop. General-Education Faculty Development series. Huntingdon, PA: Juniata College. 31 May 2019.
  238. "Increasing Access and Accessibility for Teaching and Learning Centers." Invited webinar. PODLive! webinar series. Nederland, CO: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. 24 May 2019.
  239. "Transform Your Further-Ed Campus with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and workshop. Further Education Leadership Project. Dublin, Ireland: Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) Ireland. 15 May 2019.
  240. "Copyright in Higher Education." Online course. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 7, 15, & 22 May 2019.
  241. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and workshop. Upper Peninsula Teaching and Learning Conference (UPTLC). Houghton, MI: Michigan Technological University. 9-10 May 2019.
  242. "Global is Mobile: Hungarian Higher Education and the Transition to Distance Learning." Invited speech. 44th Annual Conference: Identity: Hungarian, European, Global? Pittsburgh, PA: American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA). 5 Apr. 2019.
  243. Mar 19, 2019. "5 Teaching Secrets for Success with Today's Mobile, Time-Crunched Students." Invited keynote. Innovations in Teaching & Learning Luncheon. Office for Teaching and Learning. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University.
  244. "Four Strategies to Enhance Your Presentation Skills: The Academic's Guide." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 14 Mar. 2019.
  245. "How IT Can Foster Expert-Level UDL." On-demand session. Encore! The 2019 ELI Annual Meeting. Louisville, CO: EDUCAUSE. 6 Mar. 2019.
  246. "Three Ways to Share the Love with All of Your Learners via UDL." Invited presentation. Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment virtual conference. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 14 Feb. 2019.
  247. "Universal Design for Learning: The Hidden Chapters." Invited webinar. Cambridge, MA: 3Play Media. 31 Jan. 2019.
  248. "Access & Accessibility: Why Residential Learners Do Hybrid Programs Better." Invited keynote and half-day workshop. Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges (LVAIC) faculty-development series. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University. 25 Jan. 2019.
  249. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and workshop. Opening Days event. Canandaigua, NY: Finger Lakes Community College. 15 Jan. 2019.
  250. "Let's Get Critical: Reflection, Inclusion, and Open Praxis in Teaching and Learning." Invited author Q&A session, with Kirsten Behling. Annual Winter Workshop series. Center for Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. Warwick, RI: Community College of Rhode Island. 9 Jan. 2019.
  251. "A Felsőoktatáshoz Valö Hozzáférés Mint Emberi Jog [Access as a Civil Right in Higher Education]." Hatodik Fogyatékosságtudományi Konferencia [6th Annual Hungarian Disability Studies Conference]. Invited lecture. Budapest, HU: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education. 13 Nov. 2018.
  252. "Creating a Culture of Academic Integrity." Online Seminar series. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 8 Nov. 2018.
  253. Helping STEM Students Thrive: Course Design for Inclusion in STEM." Invited webinar panelist. Women in STEM Cooperative. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. 7 Nov. 2018.
  254. "How to Observe and Evaluate Faculty in the Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 25 Oct. 2018.
  255. "Connecting Students to Success through Instructor Presence." Invited keynote. Provost's Teaching and Learning Summit. Oshkosh, WI: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. 23 Oct. 2018.
  256. "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited workshop and campus-leader consultation. Center for Faculty Development workshop series. St. Paul. MN: University of Saint Thomas. 16 Oct. 2018.
  257. "Bare-Bones Basics of Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. Blackboard Professional Learning webinar series. Rockville, MD: eCampusNews. 11 Oct. 2018.
  258. "Copyright for Teaching with Technology." Invited featured session. Magna Teaching with Technology conference. St Louis, MO: Hyatt Regency Hotel. 6 Oct. 2018.
  259. "Simplifying Copyright: Fair Use & Ownership In The Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 4 Oct. 2018.
  260. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning to Benefit All Learners." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 13 Sep. 2018.
  261. "Back-to-School Reading." Invited Panelist. Network & Learn webinar series. Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN). 28 Aug. 2018.
  262. "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote and 2 workshops. Faculty Development Series. Purchase, NY: SUNY Purchase College. 22 Aug. 2018.
  263. "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote speech and workshop. Empowering Teaching Excellence conference. Logan, UT: Utah State University. 15 Aug. 2018.
  264. Master of Ceremonies. Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 7-9 Aug. 2018.
  265. "Become a Blackboard Jedi: Move Students with Only Your Mind and Universal Design for Learning." Invited featured session. Blackboard BbWorld conference. Orlando, FL: World Center Marriott Hotel. 19 Jul. 2018.
  266. "Copyright in Higher Education." Online course. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 6, 13, & 20 Jun. 2018.
  267. "Flip Your Class in 30 Minutes or Less." Invited workshop. Professors' Club Seminar series. Budapest, HU: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. 28 May 2018.
  268. "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone through Mobile Learning." Invited consultation. Budapest, HU: Szent Gellért Katolikus Általános Iskola és Gimnázium. 17 May 2018.
  269. "How Mobile Learning Makes Room in Class for Guided Practice." Invited lecture. Budapest, HU: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Zrínyi Miklós Laktanya és Egyetemi [National University of Public Service, Zrínyi Miklós Military Base & College] Foreign Language Training Centre. 14 May 2018.
  270. "Digital Presence Best Practices for Professors and Students." Invited lecture. International Week conference. Eger, HU: Eszterházy Károly Egyetem. 10 May 2018.
  271. "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Extend Teaching beyond the Classroom." Invited lecture. Budapest, HU: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education. 9 May 2018.
  272. "Online Teaching Core Skills." Invited workshop. Pécs, HU: University of Pécs Institute of Adult Education & Human Resource Management. 23 Apr. 2018.
  273. "Move From 'I Caught You' to 'I Taught You'--Creating a Culture of Academic Integrity." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 5 Apr. 2018.
  274. "Universal Design for Learning (UDL), or Univerzális Tervezés a Tanuláshoz (UTT), and Smart Phones in the United States." Invited lecture. America Week. Veszprém, HU: American Corner Veszprém and the English and American Studies Institute, University of Pannonia. 12 Mar. 2018.
  275. "Online Copyright Ninja School." Invited presentation. Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment virtual conference. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 19 Feb. 2018.
  276. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities." Invited workshop. JanCon faculty-development day. Orange, CA: Chapman University. 26 Jan. 2018.
  277. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities" and "Three Paths to Academic Integrity." Invited half-day workshops. Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center Spring 2018 Teaching Effectiveness Institute. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University. 11 Jan. 2018.
  278. "Become a Copyright Ninja" and "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities." Invited professional-development workshops. School of Health Professions. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University. 9 Jan. 2018.
  279. "How to Talk to Faculty Colleagues about Universal Design for Learning." Invited webinar. EDUCAUSE Learning Initative / Penn State University ID2ID cross-institutional peer mentoring program for instructional designers. 5 Dec. 2017.
  280. "From Courses to Colleges to Campus: How to Evaluate Online Teaching for Your Whole Institution." Online course. With B. Jean Mandernach and Ann H. Taylor. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 17 & 29 Nov, 6 Dec 2017.
  281. "Day to Day Universal Design for Learning" and "How to Talk to Faculty about Universal Design for Learning," invited half-day workshops; and "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Accessibility," invited keynote address. IU Online conference. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University. 9-10 Nov. 2017.
  282. "Universal Design for Learning: Putting Rights into Practice." Invited webinar. Washington, DC: Blackboard. 8 Nov. 2017.
  283. "Secret Department-Chair Training: How to Evaluate Teaching." Invited half-day workshop. Department Chair Professional Development series. Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence. Terre Haute, IN: Indiana State University. 8 Nov. 2017.
  284. "Day-to-Day UDL," "How to Talk to Faculty Members about UDL," "UDL & QEP: Way Beyond Disabilities," and "Help Everyone Hear You Speak Up." Invited workshop series for campus leaders, faculty members, and students. Speak Up Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) program. Greensboro, NC: Guilford College. 31 Oct. - 1 Nov. 2017.
  285. "Re-Framing Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education." Invited keynote speech, and "UDL in the Classroom." Invited workshop. Southeastern Universal Design for Learning Conference. Nashville, TN: Tennessee Board of Regents. 30 Oct. 2017.
  286. "How To Increase Online Student Course Evaluation Rates: 4 Strategies That Work." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 19 Oct. 2017.
  287. "Reach Every Student with Simple, Effective Design Strategies." Invited workshop. Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) Innovation Meetup series. Buffalo, NY: Canisius College. 12 Oct. 2017.
  288. "How to Observe and Evaluate Faculty in the Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 5 Oct. 2017.
  289. "Copyright in Higher Education." Online course. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 4, 11, & 18 Oct 2017.
  290. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities." Invited keynote speech. 23rd Annual Educational Technology Cooperative Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board. 20 Sep. 2017.
  291. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning to Benefit All Learners." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 15 Sep. 2017.
  292. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities" and "Become a Copyright Ninja." Invited workshops. Faculty-development series. Spartanburg, SC: University of South Carolina Upstate. 18 Aug. 2017.
  293. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities." Invited keynote and workshop. Welcome-Back Convocation. Graniteville, SC: Aiken Technical College. 16 Aug. 2017.
  294. Invited spotlight panel moderator. "Voices for Accessibility in Distance Learning." Distance Teaching and Learning conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 26 Jul. 2017.
  295. Invited panel moderator. "Tough Challenges Think Tank: Accessibility." Distance Teaching and Learning conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 27 Jul. 2017.
  296. "Getting Beyond 'It Depends': Copyright You Can Actually Understand and Apply," featured conference session. Distance Teaching and Learning conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 27 Jul. 2017.
  297. "Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) que Puede Hacer Mañana." Invited keynote speech and workshop. Primer Encuentro de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje en Educación Superior: Pequeños Cambios, Grandes Transformaciones. Centro para la Excelencia Docente (CEDU). Barranquilla, Colombia: Universidad del Norte. 12-14 Jul. 2017.
  298. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education." Online course. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 13, 20, & 27 Jun. 2017.
  299. "Getting Ready for 2030: Meet the Students of Tomorrow." Invited keynote speech. Distance Learning Administration conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 21 Jun. 2017.
  300. "Hold the Phone: Designing Effective eLearning with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote speech. South Carolina RECHARGE E-Learning conference. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina. 5 Jun. 2017.
  301. "Universal Design for Learning: Beyond Accessibility" and "Copyright Secrets." Center for Teaching with Technology Teaching Excellence speaker series. Teaneck, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University. 17 May 2017.
  302. "Three Paths to Academic Integrity across Campus." Invited half-day workshop. Erie Regional Colloquy. Erie, PA: Penn State University at Behrend. 10 May 2017.
  303. "How to Observe and Evaluate Online Teaching." Online Seminar series. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 18 Apr. 2017.
  304. "Move From 'I Caught You' to 'I Taught You'--Creating a Culture of Academic Integrity." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 12 Apr. 2017.
  305. "Give Every Student 20 More Minutes for Studying Every Day: Personalizing Mobile Learning." Invited keynote speech. Humanizing Learning: Learning Technology Development Council (LTDC) Virtual Showcase conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin. 4 Apr. 2017.
  306. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities." Invited keynote. 13th Annual Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium. Grand Rapids, MI: Grand Valley State University. 22 Mar. 2017.
  307. "Copyright for Online Educators in 45 Minutes. Yes, Really!" Invited Lecture. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Virtual Conference. 22 Feb. 2017.
  308. "Feel the Love from Your Students: Brightspace Tools for Increasing End-of-Course Student Ratings." Invited webinar. Brightspace Teaching and Learning Community webinar series. 7 Feb. 2017.
  309. "Tips for Getting Your Colleagues to Adopt Universal Design for Learning." Cambridge, MA: 3Play Media webinar series. 26 Jan. 2017.
  310. "7 + 3 = 1: Universal Design for Learning and the 7 Principles of Good Teaching." Invited keynote speech and workshop. College Initiative Days faculty in-service. Wausau, WI: Northcentral Technical College. 23. Jan. 2017.
  311. "Universal Design for Learning You Can Do Tomorrow." Invited keynote speech. Professional Issues Conference. Dearborn, MI: Henry Ford College. 5 Jan. 2017.
  312. "Universal Design for Learning: How to Improve Satisfaction and Retention for Students at All Learning Levels." Webinar. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 1 Dec. 2016.
  313. "Copyright Made Simple for Digital Educators." Cambridge, MA: 3Play Media webinar series. 3 Nov. 2016.
  314. "How to Observe and Evaluate Faculty in the Online Classroom." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 27 Oct. 2016.
    • Video [54:00, password-protected]
  315. "Plain-English Copyright for Digital Educators." Invited pre-conference workshop. 16th Annual SLATE Conference. Naperville, IL: Northern Illinois University. 19 Oct. 2016.
  316. "Copyright Essentials for Online Instructors." Invited webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 13 Oct. 2016.
    • Video [50:18, password-protected]
  317. Harger, J. & Harger, E. "PA020: Copyright and Universal Design for Learning, An Interview with Dr. Thomas J. Tobin." Audio podcast [55:24]. The Professional Adjunct. 7 Oct. 2016.
  318. "Reaching Out to Students on their Phones (a UDL Tale)," "Ensuring Academic Integrity across Campus and Online," and "Keys that Unlock Evaluating Online Teaching." Invited lectures. Campus Conversations series. Online Worldwide Consortium. Kearney, NE: University of Nebraska at Kearney. 6 Oct. 2016.
  319. "Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles in Your Tech-Enhanced Courses." Invited pre-conference workshop. The Teaching Professor Technology Conference. Atlanta, GA: Magna Publications. 30 Sep. 2016.
  320. "Universal Design for Learning That You Can Do Today." Invited keynote speech. 31st Annual Showcase on Teaching and Learning. Springfield, MO: Missouri State University. 17 Aug. 2016.
  321. "Getting Beyond 'It Depends': Copyright for Online Designers and Faculty." and "Reach Your Students Everywhere with Universal Design for Learning." Invited Spotlight sessions. Distance Teaching & Learning conference. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison. 9-11 Aug. 2016.
  322. "Move Students with Only Your Mind: UDL in Brightspace." Invited featured-speaker session. Brightspace FUSION conference. Washington, DC: Desire2Learn. 19 Jul. 2016.
  323. "Hold the Phone: Designing Effective eLearning with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote speech. 3D Dynamic Digital Development Course Developer conference. Nashville, TN: Tennessee Board of Regents eCampus. 27 Jun. 2016.
  324. "The 104 Best Teaching Practices in Brightspace." Invited keynote speech. Showcase conference. Calgary, AB: Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Polytechnic. 8 Jun. 2016.
  325. Master of Ceremonies. Faculty Summer Institute. Champaign-Urbana, IL: University of Illinois. 24 May 2016.
  326. "Five Keys to Unlocking Universal Design for Learning." Invited pre-conference workshop; and "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone with Universal Design for Learning." Invited keynote lecture. 15th Annual Symposium on Teaching and Learning: Universal Design for All Learners. Burnaby, BC: Simon Fraser University. 17-19 May 2016.
  327. "Best Practices You Can Use Tomorrow to Evaluate Online Teaching." Invited workshop and leadership consultation. Faculty Learning Community series. Statesboro, GA: Georgia Southern University. 15 Apr. 2016.
  328. "Creating a Climate of Academic Integrity Across Campus," "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disability," "Don't Call the Lawyer: Copyright for Faculty and Administrators," and "Evaluating Online Teaching." Invited presentations. Spring Learning Days professional development series. Bay City, MI: Delta College. 1 Apr. 2016.
  329. "Best Practices for Teaching Online: Start Using These Tomorrow." Faculty Professional Development series. Deerfield, IL: Trinity International University. 21 Mar. 2016.
  330. "Increase Student Satisfaction and Retention with Universal Design for Learning." Three Fridays College Speaker series. Sanford, FL: Seminole State College. 18 Mar. 2016.
  331. "Use of Copyrighted Materials for Teaching Purposes." Invited presentation. Tenure-Track Forum. River Forest, IL: Triton College. 10 Mar. 2016.
  332. "Four Strategies to Increase Online End-of-Course Student Rating Responses." Webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 3 Mar. 2016.
  333. "Five Online Teaching Best Practices You Can Do Today (and Why They Increase Student Retention, Persistence, and Satisfaction)." Keynote speech. Growing Online Learning conference. Illinois Community Colleges Online (ILCCO) consortium. 23 Feb. 2016.
  334. "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone through Universal Design for Learning." Featured speaker. Conference on Instructional Technologies, Innovations, and Educational Strategies (TIES). Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. 19 Feb. 2016.
  335. "From Courses to Colleges to Campus: How to Evaluate Online Teaching for Your Whole Institution." Online course. With B. Jean Mandernach and Ann H. Taylor. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. 17 Feb., 24 Feb., & 2 Mar. 2016.
  336. "Four Ways Not to Design Hybrid Courses. Number Three Will Shock You." Invited Lecture. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Virtual Conference. 16 Feb. 2016.
  337. "Forging a Quality Online Future: Hallmarks of the Best Online Teaching." Keynote presentation. Fantas-Tech Virtual Conference. Richmond, VA: J Sargeant Reynolds Community College. 12 Feb. 2016.
  338. "Reach Students Where They Are: Start Using UDL in Brightspace." Invited webinar. Brightspace Teaching and Learning Community webinar series. 2 Feb. 2016.
    • Video [Adobe Connect, 48:28]
  339. "Strategies for Getting Administrative and Faculty Buy-In for Universal Design for Learning." Cambridge, MA: 3Play Media webinar series. 21. Jan. 2016.
  340. "Removing Barriers with Universal Design for Learning and Your Phone." Accessibility Conference. Alfred, NY: Alfred State University. 13 Jan. 2016.
  341. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone through Universal Design for Learning." Faculty In-service day. Port Orange, FL: Palmer College of Chiropractic. 11 Jan. 2016.
  342. "Administrative Evaluation of Online Teaching." Invited senior-leadership consultation. Sugar Grove, IL: Waubonsee Community College. 10 Dec. 2015.
  343. "How You, Too, Can Observe and Evaluate Online Teaching." Webinar series. Washington, DC: Instructional Technology Council (ITC). 8 Dec. 2015.
  344. "The Academic Leader's Toolkit for Evaluating Online Teaching." Online Seminar series. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 2 Dec. 2015.
  345. "How To Increase Retention, Satisfaction & Performance In The Online Classroom." Webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators. 12 Nov. 2015.
  346. "Copyright for Faculty Members in 90 Minutes Flat." Invited Keynote Lecture. 2015 National Distance Learning Week conference. Aiken, SC: University of South Carolina Aiken. 9 Nov. 2015.
  347. Nov 10, 2015. "'Super Tuesday' Faculty Development Day." National Distance Learning Week series. Carrollton, GA: University of West Georgia.
  348. "Copyright Unlocked for Faculty Members" and "Academic Integrity for Future Medical Professionals." Invited workshops. Faculty In-Service Day. Davenport, IA: Palmer College of Chiropractic. 2 Nov. 2015.
  349. "Copyright You Can Actually Understand: Brightspace Version." Invited webinar. Desire2Learn Brightspace Teaching and Learning Community webinar series. 13 Oct. 2015.
  350. "How To Observe & Evaluate Faculty In The Online Classroom." Webinar. Boulder, CO: Innovative Educators webinar series. 8 Oct. 2015.
  351. "What Do You Do When You Do What You Do with Student Ratings?" Invited presentation. Chicago, IL: CoursEval User Conference.
  352. "Evaluating Online Teaching for New or Veteran Administrators." Online Seminar series. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. 18 Aug. 2015.
  353. "Evaluating Online Teaching (Staying Sane Version)." Spotlight workshop. Academic 2015 Event. Terre Haute, IN: Saint Mary of the Woods College. 17 Aug. 2015.
  354. "104 Best Practices in Desire2Learn," Keynote speech, and "Reaching Out to Everyone: Universal Design for Learning," session workshop. Ed Tech Academy. Oak Ridge, TN: Roane State Community College. 12-13 May 2015.
  355. "Spring 2015 Professional Development Day." Invited workshops. Richards College of Business. Carrollton, GA: University of West Georgia. 27 Apr. 2015.
  356. "Spring Faculty Development Series: One Day, Three Great Workshops." Invited presentation and workshops. Technology Institute. Cookeville, TN: Tennessee Tech University, 19 Mar. 2015.
  357. "Universal Design for Learning is for Everyone, and Their Phones, Too." Invited Lecture. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Virtual Conference. 16 Feb. 2015.
  358. "Tools and Techniques for Promoting Academic Integrity." Webinar. Magna Publications. 4 Dec. 2014.
  359. "Faculty Super Skills Series." Invited presentations and workshops. National Distance Learning Week Celebration. Carrollton, GA: University of West Georgia, 11-12 Nov. 2014.
  360. "Simplifying Copyright: Fair Use and Ownership in the Online Classroom." Webinar. Innovative Educators webinar series. 6 Nov. 2014.
  361. "How to Observe and Evaluate Faculty in the Online Classroom." Webinar. Innovative Educators webinar series. 30 Oct. 2014.
  362. "Teaching Online: Increase Your Impact by Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your Online Teaching." With B. Jean Mandernach and Ann H. Taylor. Wiley Faculty Network Guest Lecture webinar series. Wiley Learning Institute. 29 Oct. 2014.
  363. "The Online Classroom: Innovative Teaching Practices That Increase Retention, Satisfaction, and Performance." Innovative Educators webinar series. 16 Oct. 2014.
  364. "The 104 Best Practices for Desire2Learn Technology [PowerPoint]." Desire2Learn Brightspace Teaching and Learning Community webinar series. 23 Sep. 2014.
  365. "Using Universal Design for Learning to Support All Online Students [PowerPoint], [PDF]." Invited Lecture; and "Accessibility Challenges in Higher Education," Panel Discussion. Access for All: 2014 Accessible Technology Symposium. Miami University of Ohio. 4 Apr. 2014.
  366. "Copyright for Community-College Faculty and Administrators." Invited Lecture. Professional Development Center Faculty Development series. College of Lake County. 11 Mar. 2014
  367. "Academic Integrity Strategies You Can Use Tomorrow." Invited Lecture. Transforming the Teaching and Learning Environment. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Virtual Conference. 14 Feb. 2014.
  368. "Using Universal Design to Support All Online Students." Webinar. Magna Publications. 6 Feb. 2014.
  369. "Creating a Climate of Academic Integrity on Campus." Invited Lecture. Eastern Illinois University Faculty-Development Visiting Scholar series. Charleston, IL. 29 Jan. 2014.
  370. "The 64 Best Practices in Desire2Learn." Invited Lecture. Eastern Illinois University Center for Academic Technology and Support (CATS) annual awards luncheon. Charleston, IL. 28 Jan. 2014.
  371. "The Online Classroom: Innovative Teaching Practices That Increase Retention, Satisfaction, and Performance." Innovative Educators webinar series. 5 Dec. 2013.
  372. "Five Myths about Online Learners: Best Practices to Improve Communication, Build Trust, and Focus on Learning Objectives." Innovative Educators webinar series. 10 Oct. 2013.
  373. "Preparing to Teach Online: 4 Key Skills to Help Faculty Succeed in the Virtual Classroom." Innovative Educators webinar series. 12 Sep. 2013.
  374. Conference organizer, presenter, & keynote speaker. Evaluating Online Faculty. With Ann Taylor and B. Jean Mandernach. Academic Impressions: Phoenix, AZ. 31 Jul.-2 Aug. 2013.
  375. "Fostering Academic Integrity across Campus." Invited lecture. Northwestern Health Sciences University faculty-development series. Bloomington, MN. 29 Apr. 2013.
  376. Discussion leader. "Technology and Community." Pennsylvania Humanities Council community discussion series. Pittsburgh, PA. 2 Oct. - 10 Nov. 2001. Available Coverage at
  377. "Technology in the Classroom [Rich Text]." Invited lecture. Community College of Beaver County. Monaca, PA. 14 Jan. 2000.
National and International Conferences
  1. Facilitator. "Level Up Your Workshop Facilitation: Preparing." Invited webinar. With Diana LaRocco, Tolupe Noah, and Thomas Laughner. PODLive! webinar series. Nederland, CO: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. 14 Feb. 2025.
  2. "Universal Design for Learning at Scale." Breakout Session. Oxford, OH: Lilly Conference on College Teaching. 22 Nov. 2024.
  3. "Equity and Access: Artificial Intelligence in support of Universal Design for Learning--An Expert Panel." Education session. With John Kane, Rebecca Mushtare, Liz Norrel, and Sherri Restauri. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Accelerate Conference. 21 Nov. 2024.
  4. "A Night at the Improv." With Lillian Nave, Lindsay Masland, and Mandy McGrew. Special engagement session. Chicago, IL: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Annual Conference. 12 Nov. 2024.
  5. "Expert-Level Educational Development Strategies with Universal Design for Learning." With Lillian Nave, Jennifer Pusateri, and Mary Ann Tobin. Breakout session. Chicago, IL: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Annual Conference. 11 Nov. 2024.
  6. "The Missing Link in UDL 3.0." Information session. Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education (UDLHE) Digicon. 8 Nov. 2024.
  7. "UDL from Grassroots to the Boardroom." With James D'Annibale. Breakout session. San Antonio, TX: EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. 23 Oct. 2024.
  8. "Become a D2L Copyright Ninja!" Toronto, ON: D2L Fusion Annual Conference. 10 Jul 2024.
  9. "The Outsider's Quick Guide to Cultural Change." Making Change, Taking Space: The First Annual Virtual Gathering. Boulder, CO: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Disabled Affinity Group (DAG). 26 Jun. 2024.
  10. "Our Equitable Future's Here: Mobile, Remote, and Flexible Professional Development." With Christina Moore. Envisioning the Future: Developing Equitable Opportunities for Success. 48th Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. 18 Nov. 2023.
  11. "Faculty Development that Acknowledges and Reduces Harm of Teaching Inequities." With Jessamyn Neuhaus and Chavella Pittman. Envisioning the Future: Developing Equitable Opportunities for Success. 48th Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network. 17 Nov 2023.
  12. "Secret Boss Training: Engage Campus Leaders about UDL." UDLHE Digicon conference. Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN). 18 Oct. 2023.
  13. "Implementing Universal Design for Learning at Scale." Chicago, IL: EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. 10 Oct 2023.
  14. "UDL Ubiquity: Going from Principles to Policies, Practices, and Culture." Through the Lens of UDL: 9th Annual CAST UDL Symposium. Denver, CO: CAST, Inc. 31 Jul. 2023.
  15. "Supporting Your Hidden Distance Ed Program: Hybrid and Tech-Mediated Courses." Distance Learning Administration (DLA) conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 25 Jul. 2023.
  16. "Re-Imagined Educational Development: Microsessions to Re-Ignite Our Burned Out Colleagues." With Sarah Rose Cavanagh, Lindsay Masland, & Ruthann Thomas. Re:Imagine, Re:Connect, and Re:Start. Seattle, WA: 47th Annual Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Conference. 18 Nov. 2022.
  17. "Powerpoint Karaoke." With Lindsay Masland, Mary Ann Tobin, & Erin Whitteck. Re:Imagine, Re:Connect, and Re:Start. Seattle, WA: 47th Annual Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Conference. 18 Nov. 2022.
  18. "The Path to Your IT Future Runs Through the Junkyard." Denver, CO: EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. 26 Oct. 2022.
  19. "Stepping Out from the Podium: UDL beyond Learner Choices." Learner Voice: the UDL Symposium. Boston, MA: CAST, Inc. 29 Jul. 2022.
  20. "Distance Administration of Distance Staff" [best paper 2022 award]. Distance Learning Administration (DLA) conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 25 Jul. 2022.
  21. "Your Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 'Step Zero' is UDL." Innovate conference. Dallas, TX: Online Learning Consortium (OLC). 14 Apr 2022.
  22. "UDL at Scale." UDL-IRN International Summit. Boston, MA: Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN). 1 Apr. 2022.
  23. "If This is an Odyssey, Avoid Scylla & Charybdis: 3 Key Online Intellectual Property Hacks." OLC Accelerate 2021: An Odyssey into the Future of Online, Digital, & Blended Learning. Washington, DC: Online Learning Consortium. 7 Oct. 2021.
  24. "The Online Administrator's How-To Guide for Micro-Credential Programs." Distance Learning Administration conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 26 Jul. 2021.
  25. "Fighting the Innovation Killer: What's in Your IP Policy?" Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting. 18 May 2021.
  26. "Maximum Student Engagement, Minimum Instructor Setup: UDL versus the HyFlex Design Model." Accelerate conference. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC). 18 Nov. 2020.
  27. "Seven Secrets for Standard Eight: Accessibility Review When You're Not an Accessibility Expert." QM Connect LX: 12th Annual Conference on Quality Assurance in Online Learning. St Louis, MO: Quality Matters. 26 Oct. 2020.
  28. "Secret Boss Training: Engage Online Leaders to Adopt Universal Design for Learning." Accelerate conference. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC). 22 Nov. 2019.
  29. "Make Your CTL a Campus Universal Design for Learning Hub." With Mary Ann Tobin. Connection: Closing the Distance. Pittsburgh, PA: 44th annual Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network conference. 16 Nov. 2019.
  30. "UDL Really Starts with IT." UDL in Higher Education Digicon. Universal Design for Learning Impelementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN). 18 Oct. 2019.
  31. "Making the UDL Case to Campus and School Leaders." UDL-IRN International Summit. Orlando, FL: Universal Design for Learning Implementation & Research Network (UDL-IRN). 28 Mar. 2019.
  32. "How IT Can Foster Expert-Level Universal Design for Learning (UDL)." Anaheim, CA: EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting. 19 Feb. 2019.
  33. "UDL Jedi Training: Move Learners and Leaders with Only Your Mind." Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web, and Technology conference. Westminster, CO: Association on Higher Eduction and Disability (AHEAD). 14 Nov. 2018.
  34. "UDL Jedi Training: Move Learners and Leaders with Only Your Mind." From Novice to Expert: Implementing UDL Across Academic Disciplines conference. Hartford, CT: Goodwin College. 9 Nov, 2018.
  35. "Talking to Our Colleagues about Universal Design for Learning." Denver, CO: EDUCAUSE annual conference. 31 Oct. 2018.
  36. "Secret Boss Training: How to Observe and Evaluate Teaching." Minneapolis, MN: Magna Leadership in Higher Education conference. 20 Oct. 2018.
  37. "Secret Boss Training: Engage Campus Leaders about UDL." 4th Annual UDL Symposium. Boston, MA: CAST [Center for Applied Special Technology]. 31 Jul. 2018.
  38. "Secret Boss Training: 4 Brightspace Tools for Your Non-LMS Campus Leaders." Houston, TX: Desire2Learn (D2L) Fusion conference. 26 Jul. 2018.
  39. "Secret Boss Training: Get Everyone to Observe Online Courses." Distance Learning Administration (DLA) conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 25 Jun. 2018.
  40. "How to Talk to Our Colleagues about Universal Design for Learning." With Kirsten Behling. Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI) conference. Baltimore, MD: University of Connecticut Neag School of Education. 14 Jun. 2018.
  41. "Using Evaluation Of Online Teaching Data To Make Meaningful Change." With B. Jean Mandernach and Ann H. Taylor. Accelerate conference. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC). 16 Nov. 2017.
  42. "Online Copyright Ninja School." Accelerate conference. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC). 15 Nov. 2017.
  43. "Copyright Ninjas." Vendor session. 42nd Annual Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network conference. Montréal, QC: Le Centre Sheraton Hotel. 26-29 Oct. 2017.
  44. "Copyright for Teaching with Technology." Teaching with Technology Conference. Baltimore, MD: Magna Publications. 7 Oct. 2017.
  45. "Become a Desire2Learn Copyright Ninja." Desire2Learn Fusion conference. Las Vegas, NV: Bellagio Hotel and Conference Center. 19 Jul. 2017.
  46. "The Online Administrator's Semi-Painless Guide to Institution-Wide Academic Integrity." Distance Learning Administration conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 19 Jun. 2017.
  47. "Remove Barriers with Universal Design for Learning (Not the Ones You Think)." Transforming the Academy: Building Communities of Practice. Houston, TX: EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative [ELI] Annual Meeting. 13 Feb. 2017.
  48. "The 45-Minute Online Copyright Crash Course (Lawyer Figure Sold Separately)." Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Accelerate International Conference. 17 Nov. 2016.
  49. "Transforming Course Evaluations to Reshape Cultures of Learning and Teaching." With hari s. kumar and Jennifer Frederick. Louisville, KY: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Annual Conference. 11 Nov. 2016.
  50. "Making Copyright Simple for Digital Learners" and "Work-Life-Learning Balance" closing lunch panelist. Conference on Meaningful Living in a Digital World. Savannah, GA: University of West Georgia. 1-3 Aug. 2016.
  51. "Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone through Universal Design for Learning." Distance Learning Administration conference. Jekyll Island, GA: University of West Georgia. 20 Jun. 2016.
  52. "Universal Design for Learning: Three Steps to eLearning for Everyone." The Teaching Professor Conference. Washington, DC: Magna Publications. 4 Jun. 2016.
  53. "Everyone's Future: Getting Faculty to Adopt Universal Design for Learning." Conference Anchor Presentation. San Francisco, CA: Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Annual Conference. 8 Nov. 2015.
  54. "Six Secrets for Evaluating Online Teaching." Half-day seminar. With Ann H. Taylor. Indianapolis, IN: EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. 27 Oct. 2015.
  55. "Six Secrets for Evaluating Online Teaching." Pre-conference workshop. Kona, HI: AACE E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning. 19 Oct. 2015.
  56. "How to Evaluate Online Teaching and Improve Faculty Development." With B. Jean Mandernach and Ann H. Taylor. Orlando, FL: Online Learning Consortium International Conference. 16 Oct. 2015.
  57. "Six Secrets for Evaluating Online Teaching Using Data Analytics." With B. Jean Mandernach and Ann H. Taylor. Pre-conference workshop. Madison, WI: Distance Teaching and Learning conference. 11 Aug. 2015.
  58. "Don't Tell the Faculty: Administrators' Secrets to Evaluating Online Teaching. [Rich Text]" [Best Paper Award]. Distance Learning Administration 2015 Conference. University of West Georgia, Jekyll Island, GA. 28 Jun. - 1 Jul. 2015.
  59. "Evaluate Online Teaching with Five Brightspace Tools ... and This Spoon." Desire2Learn FUSION Users Conference. Orlando, FL. 22-24 Jun. 2015.
  60. "Academic Integrity for the Digital Professor." The Teaching Professor 2015 Conference. Magna Publications. Atlanta, GA: Sheraton Atlanta Hotel. 29-31 May 2015.
  61. "Copyright for Campus Technology Leaders." Poster session. Campus Technology Fall Forum. Hyatt Regency O'Hare. Chicago, IL. 4 Nov. 2014.
  62. "The 104 Best Practices for Desire2Learn Technology [PowerPoint]." Desire2Learn FUSION Users Conference. Nashville, TN. 14-16 Jul. 2014.
  63. "Training Your Faculty about Copyright When the Lawyer Isn't Looking. [Rich Text]" [Best Paper Award]. Distance Learning Administration 2014 Conference. University of West Georgia, Jekyll Island, GA. 8-11 Jun. 2014.
  64. "Risk Conversations: Best Practices for Becoming Change Shepherds on Campus [Powerpoint], [Audio, 1:10:00]." Freedom to Connect, Freedom to Risk, Freedom to Learn Conference. Professional & Organization Development (POD) Network in Higher Education. Pittsburgh, PA. 6-10 Nov. 2013.
  65. "Three Paths to Online Academic Integrity [Video, 9:39]." 29th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI. 7-9 Aug. 2013.
  66. "8 Months vs. 8 Weeks: Rapid-Project LMS Implementation [Powerpoint]." Desire2Learn FUSION Users Conference. Boston, MA. 14-17 Jul. 2013.
  67. "Best Practices for Evaluation of Online Courses [Rich Text]" [Best Paper Award]. Distance Learning Administration 2004 Conference. State University of West Georgia, Jekyll Island, GA. 23-26 May 2004.
  68. "Preparing Visually Impaired Faculty to Teach Online [Powerpoint]." Distance Learning Administration 2002 Conference. State University of West Georgia, Jekyll Island, GA. 5-7 Jun. 2002.
  69. "Faculty on the Front Lines: Producing Confident and Motivated Online Faculty [Powerpoint]." Bellwether Award Finalist. The Community College Futures Assembly. Orlando, FL. 17-20 Feb. 2002.
  70. "Strategies for Successful Distance Learning in Two-Year Colleges [Powerpoint]." National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. Baltimore, MD. 15-20 Nov. 2001.
  71. "Dealing with Problem Students and Faculty [Rich Text]" [Best Paper Award]. Distance Learning Administration 2001 Conference. State University of West Georgia, Pine Mountain, GA. 6-8 Jun. 2001.
  72. "Copyright for Distance Education [Rich Text]." Intellectual Property and Digital Information in Higher Education: Problems and Solutions. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. 17 Apr.-1 May 2001.
  73. "Copyright for Distance Educators [Powerpoint]." Workshop. Distance Learning Administration 2000. State University of West Georgia, Pine Mountain, GA. 7-9 Jun. 2000.
  74. "From Zero to Sixty in Six Months: Developing a Fast-Track Online Program." 1999 Conference on Teaching Online in Higher Education (TOHE). Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN. 8-9 Nov. 1999. Available
  75. "Access to Information Technology as a Leading Indicator of the New Wealth Gap." Workshop. Values and Technology Section. Society for Values in Higher Education 74th Annual Conference. Reed College, Portland, OR. 6-11 Aug. 1998.
  76. "The Pre-Raphaelite Critic Web Site as a Preservation Archive in Progress [Rich Text]." "The Nineteenth Century: Strategies and Solutions for Rare Book and Special Collections Librarians." 39th Annual Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries Preconference. Washington, DC. 23-26 Jun. 1998.
  77. "Viewer Mail in the Classroom: the Pedagogical Dangers of E-Mail [Rich Text]." Workshop. The International Society for Exploring Teaching Alternatives 1996 Conference. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 18-20 Oct. 1996.
Local / Regional Conferences
  1. "Faculty Development via Distance Learning." Regional Workshop for Faculty Developers. Lewsiburg, PA: Bucknell University. 1 Mar. 2019.
  2. "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disability." Chicago, IL: 41st annual Illinois Council on Continuing Higher Education (ICCHE) conference. 11 Feb. 2016.
  3. "Copyright in 20 Minutes for Faculty and Staff." Learn and Lead Symposium. Chicago, IL: Northeastern Illinois University. 9 Feb. 2016.
  4. "Intent versus Neglect: Are Good Faith Efforts Enough for Authorization and Compliance?" Session Facilitator. Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Collaborate conference. Chicago, IL: Rush University. November 19, 2015.
  5. "Copyright on Campus." Poster session. Faculty Summer Institute. University of Illinois. Champaign-Urbana, IL: iHotel and Conference Center. 29-31 May 2015.
  6. "Two Tiny Teaching Twists to Retain Students." Learn and Lead Symposium. Chicago, IL: Northeastern Illinois University. 9 Feb. 2015.
  7. "4 Copyright Secrets in Desire2Learn and Brightspace." Desire2Learn IGNITE Illinois Regional Forum. DePaul University. Chicago, IL. 21 Nov. 2014.
  8. "Universal Design for Learning: Not Just for Breakfast Anymore." SLATE [Supporting Learning and Technology in Education] annual conference. Naperville, IL. 23 Oct. 2014.
  9. Universal Design for Learning: A Bold Pedagogical Approach." With Cris Toffolo. Objectifying (dis)Abilities conference. Northeastern Illinois University. Chicago, IL. 22 Oct. 2014.
  10. "Support All Students via Universal Design for Learning." Faculty Summer Institute. University of Illinois. Champaign-Urbana, IL: iHotel and Conference Center. 19-21 May 2014.
  11. "Four Hybrid-Teaching Best Practices." Learn and Lead Symposium. Northeastern Illinois University. Chicago, IL. 25 Feb. 2014.
  12. "Using the LMS to Increase Student Retention [PowerPoint]." Northeastern Empowerment through Technology (NETT) Day 4. Northeastern Illinois University. Chicago, IL. 8 Oct, 2013.
  13. "The 104 Best Things to Do in the Desire2Learn Learning Environment [PowerPoint]." [2013 Best Session Award, North America]. Desire2Learn IGNITE Illinois Regional Forum. Northeastern Illinois University. Chicago, IL. 4 Oct. 2013.
  14. "Copyright and Intellectual Property for Faculty and Administrators [PDF]." Faculty Summer Institute. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL. 13-15 May 2013.
  15. "Choosing an LMS in Five Only Slightly Painful Step [Rich Text]." Learn and Lead. Faculty Summer Institute. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL. 14-16 May 2012.
  16. "Training Online Instructors Online [Rich Text]." Education and Training Innovations. Western Pennsylvania Community College Resource Consortium (WPCCRC) Conference. Butler County Community College, Butler, PA. 8 Oct. 2002.
  17. "Preparing Faculty to Teach Online [Rich Text]." Innovation in Community College Education. Western Pennsylvania Community College Resource Consortium (WPCCRC) Conference. Community College of Allegheny County, Monroeville, PA. 21 Sep. 2001.
  18. "Time-Critical Online-Course Development [Powerpoint]." Technology and Innovation Across the Curriculum. Western Pennsylvania Community College Resource Consortium (WPCCRC) Conference. Westmoreland County Community College, Youngwood, PA. 22 Sep. 2000.


Last update 17 March 2025. © 2001-2025 Thomas J. Tobin.
Site content shared under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.